Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Three Statement of Creative People

Highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, adaptive minds. Here are three statements that creative people can make easily and which you learn by regular practice.

Admit It When You Are Wrong
The first is simply, "I was wrong." Many people are so concerned with being right that all their mental energy is consumed by stonewalling, bluffing, blaming and denying. If you're wrong, admit it and get on to the solution or the next step.

Face Up to Mistakes
Second, non-creative people think that it is a sign of weakness to say, "I made a mistake." On the contrary, it is actually a sign of mental maturity, personal strength and individual character. Remember, everybody makes mistakes every single day.

Be Flexible With New Information
The third statement that creative people use easily is, "I changed my mind." It is amazing how many uncomfortable situations people get into and stay in because they are unwilling or afraid to admit that they've changed their minds.

(Source: Brian Tracy)

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Sang Tuna Netra Yang Luar Biasa

Hidup adalah pembelajaran tanpa henti. Setiap hari, setiap saat, dan setiap waktu, jika kita telaah lebih jauh, selalu menjadi momen pembelajaran. Baik itu berupa halangan, rintangan, tantangan, atau berbagai kejadian apapun yang kita temui. Jika bisa disikapi dengan cara yang bijak, maka selalu ada sisi positif yang bisa kita ambil sebagai bagian proses belajar.
Maka, tak salah, jika orang mengatakan bahwa pengalaman adalah guru terbaik. Namun, semua itu harus dikembalikan kepada individu yang menjalaninya. Jika tak ada proses evaluasi dan tindakan perbaikan, pembelajaran yang didapatkan pun tak kan maksimal. Hadirnya pengalaman, baru akan bernilai jika kita bisa memaknainya dengan sudut pandang dan mindset positif.
Seperti yang saya jumpai saat saya memberikan seminar di Asian Agri Medan pada tanggal 8 Januari 2008, dengan tema "If Better is Possible, Good is Not Enough". Ketika acara, saya mendapat "pelajaran" yang sangat berharga. Sebagaimana setiap kali seminar, ada banyak orang yang antusias mengikuti seminar. Kemudian, banyak pula yang lantas ingin berfoto dan meminta tanda tangan. Namun, ada satu hal yang luar biasa saat itu. Salah satu orang yang sangat antusias tersebut ternyata adalah seorang penyandang tunanetra.
Yang menjadikannya luar biasa, orang yang bernama Roswidi itu, adalah tekadnya. Meski punya keterbatasan fisik, hal tersebut tidak menjadi halangan baginya untuk berkarya. Hebatnya, dengan kekurangan itu, ia ternyata adalah sosok yang berada di balik suksesnya acara seminar. Pria yang mengaku sebagai pendengar setia acara saya, Smart Motivation di radio Smart FM setiap Senin ini, adalah event organizer acara yang khusus menangani sound system acara. Dengan keterbatasan itu, Roswidi membuktikan pada semua orang, bahwa ia tak beda dengan orang kebanyakan.
Bicaranya yang terdengar semangat, menunjukkan betapa keterbatasan yang dimilikinya, sama sekali bukan halangan untuk sukses. Bahkan, ia mengaku sudah menjalani usaha sound system itu selama lima tahunan. Sebelumnya, ia juga pernah menjadi pemain keyboard di berbagai acara. Selain itu, ia ternyata juga menjadi pengusaha onderdil sepeda. Roswidi benar-benar menunjukkan kepada saya dan semua orang yang hadir saat itu, bahwa sukses memang hak siapa saja, "Success is my right!" Ia adalah contoh nyata orang yang bisa "melihat" dengan tekad dan hati, bahwa halangan dan tantangan, sebenarnya hanyalah bagian dari proses pembelajaran diri.
Jika menengok keadaan kita, hal ini tentu adalah sebuah hal yang sangat luar biasa. Semangat dan daya juang Roswidi patut dicontoh. Apalagi, bagi kita yang dikaruniai tubuh lengkap dan tak kurang suatu apa pun. Seharusnya, dari contoh kisah Roswidi ini, bisa menumbuhkan semangat dalam diri.
Sungguh, perjalanan saya kali ini ke kota Medan memberi pengalaman yang luar biasa. Apalagi, Roswidi sempat berkata, "Kita dapat melakukan apapun, meski tanpa kedua mata. Sebab, kita masih punya kaki, tangan, otak, dan pikiran yang bisa kita maksimalkan." Sebuah kalimat sederhana, namun mengandung arti yang sangat luar biasa. Roswidi membuktikan, bahwa dengan tindakan nyata, ia pun bisa berkarya layaknya manusia seutuhnya.
Untuk itu, seperti komitmen saya untuk menjadikan tahun ini sebagai tahun Think and Action 2008, kisah Roswidi ini seharusnya mampu memacu kita untuk berpikir dan bertindak maksimal. Jika orang yang kurang secara fisik saja (maaf: buta) mampu, bagaimana dengan kita yang sehat?
Maka, mari kita jadikan semua cobaan dan tantangan, bukan sebagai halangan. Namun, justru jadi batu loncatan menuju kesuksesan. Dengan think and action, kita buktikan diri mampu menjemput semua impian.

(sumber: Andrie Wongso)

Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Thank My Beloved Family

My Beloved family,

I shall thank all of you who keep continuosly support me to go thru the wave of life. My beloved father & mother, without your true love and your pray you do every night, I surely would be nobody. Only your love and your pray that bring me here today. I am very proud of and lucky to have parent like you. Eventhough, you both never completed your elementary school but your deep understanding in importancy of education and your passion to support your children education is really something I admire of. Your endeavour - day & night - to collect every single sen to buy your children's school necessities alreadi inspired me to do the same thing now. You both are a kind of rare parent, especially in our village community. I deeply realise that I will never ever be able to pay back what you both gave me already. I only can pray every night to the God wishing you both healthiness and happiness in rest of your life. Amien....
My beloved wife,
I shall be gratefull to have a wife like you. Your inner beauty I found after we married is something make me fall in love more and more. How you care of me, how you care of my 2 little sons, how you care your parent and my parent, how you strugle for your own education improvement - all those things I proud of you.
My beloved little sons,
I realise you both are too young to understand my endeavour to better prepare my self for your future. You both inspire me to work hard. For you both, so many times I have leave you for work and school. Deep in my heart I miss the time when we eat together, play together, laugh together. In last 2 years I had no time, even single day for you both, I have to work and went to school every week end which should be a time for you both. I am so sorry for that.
You both never know that every night when you sleep I kiss and hug you both saying I love you both so much.
I pray to the God wishing a healthiness and long life so that I can grow you both well. Amien...

Kamis, 20 November 2008

Maanfaatkan waktu luang secara produktif

Rekan-rekan blogger,
Saya yakin rekan-rekan semua hampir setiap hari bersentuhan dengan computer dan hal ini internet. Kenapa tidak dimanfaatkan secara produktif yang akan membawa rekan-rekan bisa menikmati hari-hari yang lebih menyenangkan dengan keluarga atau pasangan. Agar bisa menikmati hari-hari menyenangkan tersebut kita perlu waktu dan uang. Ada 4 macam orang yang sering kita temui;
Tipe 1: Orang yang punya waktu tapi tak punya uang
Tipe 2: Orang yang punya uang tapi tidak punya waktu
Tipe 3: Orang yang tidak punya uang dan tidak punya waktu (parah gak?!)
Tipe 4: Orang yang punya uang dan punya waktu (paling dicari)

Yang mana rekan-rekan sekarang?. Kalau rekan-rekan mau seperti orang yang TIPE 4, kunjungi web ini tapi jangan kaget akan apa yang rekan-rekan baca. TAPI YAKINLAH REKAN-REKAN AKAN SANGAT MENYESAL KALAU TIDAK MELAKUKAN LANGKAH YANG TEPAT.


Good luck!

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Your smile......

My dear little sons,
Do you know something?......
Your welcome smile swipe away whole my tiredness of full day work......
Your smile is the most powerfull medicine to cure my tiredness......
Nothing make me happier but your both smiles.....
I love you both .......
I will surely devote my whole life for the sake of you both ......
One day at the time you have grown up....... you will relize how much I love you .......

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Senyum adalah obat mujarab

Hampir semua orang akan senang bila lihat orang
tersenyum. Banyak orang bilang senyum adalah sedekah. Perlu di ingat selain untuk orang lain senyum juga sangat bermanfaat untuk diri kita sendiri si pemberi senyum.
Terus terang saya tidak begitu banyak tahu teori tentang senyum. Namun yang jelas menurut pengalaman saya sendiri senyum bisa merubah suasana hati. Hati yang lagi kesal, sedih, dan lain yang gak enak lainnya akan dirubah oleh senyum, tentu bukan oleh senyum yang sinis.
Coba saja praktekkan bila hati kita lagi kesal, misalnya ditempat kerja, keluar ruangan sebentar lihat sekeliling apalagi ada taman, senyumlah.... gak apa-apa senyum sendirian dan rasakan suasana hati, pasti ada bedanya dengan waktu belum tersenyum.
Khusus bagi yang udah punya anak buah di kantor, senyum penting sekali. Kalau pimpinan masuk kantor tanpa senyum, anak buah pastilah akan sangat enggan menyampaikan sesuatu yang menyangkut pekerjaan, apalagi ada masalah. Anak buah akan semakin takut ngomong dan akhirnya 'bom molotop' masuk laci meja yang beberapa waktu akan meledak.
Kata teman saya kalau bosnya masuk kantor cemberut, maka seharian kantor kayak kuburan.
Jadi ternyata senyum juga bisa mempengaruhi suasana disekeliling kita. Setuju gak????????
Karena itu marilah kita awali setiap hari kita dengan senyum yang iklas.

Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Doa Untuk Anak Ku

Sebagai orangtua kita selalu mempunyai harapan tinggi untuk anak – anak kita. Karena itu doa yang meluncur dari mulut kita pastilah yang baik – baik. Dari mulai dimudahkan jalan rejekinya, kepintarannya dan lain sebagainya. Dan tanpa disadari segala kemudahan yang terucap dalam doa kita terkadang malah membuat anak kita menjadi manja.
Tidak demikian dengan Jenderal Douglas Mac Arthur yang selalu meminta agar anaknya diberi kekuatan untuk menghadapi tantangan – tantangan. Agar anaknya diberi kekuatan untuk menghadapi dunia dengan kepala tegak dan penuh kejujuran. Agar anaknya diberi kekuatan untuk dapat mengasihi sesama dan berhati.
Agar anaknya dapat menjadi insan yang tidak melupakan masa lalu. Agar anaknya mempunyai rasa humor untuk menikmati kehidupan yang terkadang menyakitkan. Agar anaknya dapat dengan berani berkata ‘Hidupku Tidaklah Sia – Sia’.
Puisi itu ditulis Jenderal Douglas Mac Arthur pada Perang Dunia II tepatnya bulan Mei tahun 1952 kepada putra tercintanya yang saat itu baru berusia 14 tahun. Dalam puisi itu sang jenderal memberikan pesan bahwa tidak ada jalan rata untuk menempuk kesukesan yang berkualitas. Seperti halnya kata mutiara yang selalu disampaikan oleh Andrie Wongso : kalau Anda lunak pada diri sendiri, kehidupan akan keras terhadap Anda. Namun jika Anda keras pada diri sendiri, maka kehidupan akan lunak kepada Anda.
Maka jangan kompromi atau lunak pada sikap kita yang destruktif. Namun senantiasa belajar bersikap tegas dan keras dalam membangun karakter yang konstruktif demi menciptakan kehidupan sukses yang gemilang.

Doa untuk Putraku
Tuhanku...Bentuklah puteraku menjadi manusia yang cukup kuat untuk mengetahui kelemahannya. Dan, berani menghadapi dirinya sendiri saat dalam ketakutan.Manusia yang bangga dan tabah dalam kekalahan. Tetap Jujur dan rendah hati dalam kemenangan.Bentuklah puteraku menjadi manusia yang berhasrat mewujudkan cita-citanya dan tidak hanya tenggelam dalam angan-angannya saja. Seorang Putera yang sadar bahwa mengenal Engkau dan dirinya sendiri adalah landasan segala ilmu pengetahuan.Tuhanku...Aku mohon, janganlah pimpin puteraku di jalan yang mudah dan lunak. Namun, tuntunlah dia di jalan yang penuh hambatan dan godaan, kesulitan dan tantangan.Biarkan puteraku belajar untuk tetap berdiri di tengah badai dan senantiasa belajar untuk mengasihi mereka yang tidak berdaya. Ajarilah dia berhati tulus dan bercita-cita tinggi, sanggup memimpin dirinya sendiri, sebelum mempunyai kesempatan untuk memimpin orang lain.Berikanlah hamba seorang putra yang mengerti makna tawa ceria tanpa melupakan makna tangis duka.Putera yang berhasrat untuk menggapai masa depan yang cerah namun tak pernah melupakan masa lampau. Dan, setelah semua menjadi miliknya...Berikan dia cukup rasa humor sehingga ia dapat bersikap sungguh-sungguh namun tetap mampu menikmati hidupnya.Tuhanku...Berilah ia kerendahan hati...Agar ia ingat akan kesederhanaan dan keagungan yang hakiki...Pada sumber kearifan, kelemahlembutan, dan kekuatan yang sempurna...Dan, pada akhirnya bila semua itu terwujud, hamba, ayahnya, dengan berani berkata "hidupku tidaklah sia-sia"

Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

Do your best at any condition

So many times we experience something differrent from what we expect. Take one example, we get low paid. What shall we do in such situation??. So many people only complain and complain. They demotivate at work place, do their jobs even below their performance could be. Many times they say "why we shall work hard if we get low paid, just make us tired". They reluctant to spend more time to work, more time to learn new things in their work place.
They don't realize that such mind set and attitude will never deliver good job. At the end their work performance will be much worst and expectation to get better paid away in the sky.

My dear friends,
if you are in such situation right now, please go wake up!!! stop complaining!!! don't let your externals controls over your mind!!! Your mind shall control over the externals!!!. As many motivational experts say IQ get you hired, EQ get you promotted, and AQ keep you "survive" in difficult situation and keep you at the top.
My dear friends,
Let me share my own experience in such condition.
I realized complain would lead to even much worst situation. So, I tried to think positive things of my job and my work place.
Do you know what I think of my job??.
First, I tried not to think how much my contribution to the company because if I think so, my mind would think how much I get paid. What I think was what were my contribution to life of people working in this company and life of people living near by this factory thru my job in this company. I knew well it's not only me who contribute to growth of the company. Each year, the company grew sustainably and need more and more worker to support the growth. That means each year more and more people (worker and their family) get life from the company to which I had contribution. More and more people work in the company also give positive imfact to people living near by factory. More rental rooms build up, more food seller come everyday, more motorist has contracted passager. Ended, I talk to my self that I indirectly contribute to life improvement of so many people and I consider it as my service to my God and expect nothing in return from the company I work for. I am happy.
Second, I look around my work place what I could learn. I invest my time and energy to learn about company daily operation, both business side and production side. I talk to my self the company pay me to study here. So, even it's low paid it's ok. I am very keen to learn many things new that I believe one day God will give me chance to apply my experience and knowledge, of course we have to put our best effort to get that chance.
Third, I talk to my self that my hard work is an investment that I will enjoy in the future. I believe not only bad smell but good smell will also go everywhere, and as wiseman said "time is the fairest judge" in our life.

In short, I would like to say put your best effort to your job without any condition and talk to your self that your hard work is your service to your God, while you work you also study/learn, your hard work is your investment. This positive self talking will train your AQ. Practise it again and again....

"God is always hearing and never sleeping"

"We are what we are thinking"

Good luck!!!!

Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

I should not miss any moment of your growth, my sons

To you both - my beloved sons,
Deep in my heart we don't want to miss any moment of your both growht. We quite keen to be with you both whole day, playing together, having meal together, taking nap together.....
We look forward to hear you both loughing, seeing you both smiling, serving you milk,........
We look forward to witness every second of your both growth......


In the other side, We have to work to make money for you both - to buy your toys, your milk, your cloths, your health insurances, your schools......your future. We will do everything for sake of your both future.
Every night we pray to the God wishing you both all the best.
Your mom & dad

Kamis, 14 Februari 2008

Don't think how much you get paid

After six months stayed unemplyeed, May 1994 I was hired at first time by a Taiwanese shoe manufacturing company in Serang. My job was as an compound mixing machine operator. Frankly speaking this job was not suitable to my education at all, junior high school garduatee could do such job, no need associate degree. But I thrown away such thinking from my mind. I learnt to enjoy such job and beside I used to do any kind of physical-needed jobs. I found happiness doing such job, ended.

A month later, I was so lucky to get my second job - still in footwear manufacturing company. I worked in marketing department handling communication between our company and customers both local and overseas. I enjoyed such job much more than my first job. I had no experience at all in this area but becuase I enjoyed such job, I spent much of my time and energy to learn everything related to my job. Almost every day I worked from seven in the morning to six in the afternoon. But I loved it.

I had chance to interact with many people from different cultural background and level, such American, Canadian, Philipinos, Korean, Taiwanesse, Chinesse. Also I had chance to learn many other job, such as development, pricing, purchasing, production, export, import, and personel and general affair matters. I never thought how much I got paid. What I tought was that I needed to learn everything about company operation because I believed I would need it some day and for me as a marketing communication officer, it's very important to know all of the company daily operation so that I could give comprehensive information to our customers and they did not need to go around to get information, one channel was much better.

I was quite happy at time when I received copy of 'Nike Factory Evaluation' issued by Nike Inc. Jakarta representative to top management of our company in which they quite positively commented on my performance.

Seven years later I moved to another smaller company with slimming organization and my position required comprehensive knowledge and experience about manugacturing operation.

Because of Dream

I was gratefull for life difficulties I have experienced specially during my college years.
My memory go back to 1990 till 1993 the time when a poor student struggled for higher education without having anything but high motivation and passion I and my family had.
When I applied for enrollment testing, at night before, my father seriously realized me that we did not have anything to support my school if I passed the test. What we had only dream and "8 pieces of bones" to work. I always remeber this even till now.
Three years persued associate degree in University of Bengkulu was the most difficult time during my life so far. I should stay away from my family. It took 2/3 hours by bus.
My father and I should work quite hard to make money to support my and my sister school necesities. After school hours, I should do anything, even just to have a dish of rice. Many times I collected fire wood and sell it to my rental room neighbors, help my neighbors cut down big trees to send to saw mill, help my neighbors climbed their coconut trees just to have one coconut in return for my cooking.
Many times I should wash my friend cloths just to be able to wash my own cloths, or to borrow their cloths to go campus that I ussualy did by foot.
Many times I had no other to eat, only rice or even only one meal in whole day. The most unforgottable moment is that when my father sent me money ONLY Rp 3.000,- (three thousand) for my one month life together with a piece of paper onwhich he hand-wrote "my beloved son, we are so sorry that we could not send you more than. Your father had been sick for almost two weeks, be patient and don't forget to always pray to God. God was just testing us"
Some time I had chance to do better work which were to teach at English course or to translate my friend's artilces to Indonesia or to English. I was happy to get paid Rp 250 - Rp 500 per page because at least I could buy noodle for my meal. If I wanted better meal, I should go fishing.
When school holiday came, I could not go vacation as my friend usually did. I had to make money to pay my semester school fee. Usually, I and my father got order to repair or build up house. Some times I was sad that I could not enjoy my holiday. The only thing made me and my family happy was that I alway be one of big five best student eventhough I almost never bought school books and spent most of time to make money.
In three years I completed my associate degree. My family came to my graduation day and we're all quite happy and froud of.
Two month later I went to Jakarta to persue my life.

Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

My beloved Family

My beloved family,
you are the reason I work hard....
you are the reason I life.....
you are the reason ........

Minggu, 10 Februari 2008

Control Our mind set

(This is my own experience that I hope it will motivates other blogger who was boorn in a 'unlucky family' like me).

I was born 37 years ago in an 'unlucky family' financially. My parent is a poor farmer who had to grow 4 children. I am the only son and the oldest one.

From the childhood I strated already helping my parent in our ricefield or helped them to make money by selling sand or split or fish that I cought to our relatives so that I could buy books or other school necessity with my own money.

When I was in senior high school, my parent was getting difficult to support financially our daily life including our school fees.

This difficult condition made me to find anyway to help my parent. I did many kind of 'blue collar' jobs such as part time truck/taxi driver, selling fire wood, handy man, even repair used WC. Such jobs usually high school student 'shy' to do, but I had to. I had no time to get vacation as my freinds usually did.
I talked to myself that it's ONLY temporary jobs and some day you would be some one. I repeated this self talking again and again whenever my tired & shy came to bugging me.
When I graduated from senior high school, I was very proud of, because I was a 2nd best graduatees in my small town (district). Eventhoguh, I almost never bought school books.

to be continued....